The Unapologetics Podcast
Join Malachi A+scribe talking about Jesus, black culture, and racism with friends. "Unapologetically black, unapologetically Christian, unapologetically me...with no apologies."
The Unapologetics Podcast
S2 Ep 17 Unconditioning Racist Education feat. Natalie Pipkin
Season 2
Episode 17
Natalie Pipkin, founder of Pulse Project Indy and Black Worldschoolers, returns to talk about what it means and looks like to do education without the racially oppressive structure and methods found in the American schooling system. This interview was recorded back in February 2021 so you'll hear some references to Black History Month as well.
Follow and support Natalie and Black Worldschoolers here.
Follow and support Malachi A+scribe and The Unapologetics Podcast here.